3 recensioni
Hai già incontrato Erotictoutch? Scrivi una recensione su di loro, in modo che altri membri di RentMen possano ottenere una prospettiva dalla tua esperienza.
Tempo impiegato
1 ora
Very relaxing
Le foto sono accurate?
Yes, definitely
Tempo impiegato
1 ora
Not relaxing
Le foto sono accurate?
No, io non la penso così
Recensione verificata per i servizi online.
Well it’s not my fault that you were on tina smelling like piss and sweat looking absolutely a mess withe stuff on the side of your mouth The one smelling was you not me you asked for a shower soon as you got in ?? Explain that…. You smoked your drug after I told you not to! then you got a massage and more as agreed without me asking you for money neither at first. then when it was all done you decide to go perhaps weed don’t smell bad and my place never dirty I can guaranteed that I wish people would see all the scab you got on your body and all unhealthy you look asking for bb aswell for freee ffffff good luck to anyone dealing with you and try to go on a rehab. And that’s me still showing you love.